Thursday, April 15, 2010

Untitled Journey Poem

And if all the splendid were to fall
Upon the downtrodden earth
Would not it be wasted in everyday life?
Would it not become a part of complacency?
Taken for granted on the paths we walk
Perhaps this is why suffering exists in such great magnitude
So that we are reminded
Nay, privileged when the splendid comes our way.

No one promised us ease on our journey
No one said the water would not be bitter
But the journey, not the path is the goal
That is perfectly attainable
If we wade through the swamps of suffering
To the small patches of splendid
Our feet will dry quickly in the sun
As long as we remember not to get bogged down
In the depths of our pain and troubles.

If our trials are like briars that scratch and braise the skin
We must remember that like nature time heals our skin
Light from within can warm like the sun
As long as we remember to keep it vibrant at all times
We must look for the sun through the rain
Shield ourselves from the wind to hold firm
But more than that, we must keep moving
Only mosquitoes can thrive in stagnant water.

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